Design and creation of a staircase to the exhibition path, re-using and transforming materials present in the area
The abandoned Broelschool in the centre of Kortrijk hosted SQM: The Quantified Home. During Biennale Interieur 2014, visitors have had the last opportunity to explore this building before it is demolished to make way for the construction of apartments. To initiate the transition of the building and to critically examine the implications of this looming condition of domesticity, we invited ten young designers and architects from different countries to the Broelschool Demolition Workshop.
During the workshop, the participants collectively designed and built a path through the building and created a series of graphical and physical interventions on the architecture of the school. Their work reveals hidden aspects of the original construction and cuts shortcuts and slices through the walls, leaving traces of a timeline of the home. Using the building itself as a source of reusable material, the workshop predates the destruction and celebrates the transition of the school into its future.
Space Caviar
Alessandro Mason, Raphal Coutin, Joan Vellve
Biennale Interieur 2014, Kortrjik, Belgium
Delfino Sisto Legnani
Raphael Coutin